Home Freelancing 360 A New WordPress Fewer Tags Plugin for Improved Site Navigation & Rankings

A New WordPress Fewer Tags Plugin for Improved Site Navigation & Rankings

by Muzaffar Ali
4 minutes read
improve site navigation and ranking

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial aspect of any site’s success. It guarantees your site positions high in search engine results pages (SERPs), making it simpler for likely users to track down you. In any case, a secret SEO pitfall lurks within a seemingly helpful website organization tool: tags.

The Importance of Site Architecture for SEO

A well-structured site with clear navigation is essential for both users and search engines. Users can find the data they need rapidly, and web search tools can productively understand your site’s substance and ordered progression. Sorting your site by theme is a major and sensible methodology. It makes an easy-to-understand insight and permits search engines to determine which pages are generally significant for explicit searches.

Tags: Enhancing Contextual Navigation

Tags offer one more layer of association, giving a logical route. They go about as connections to related content that would intrigue the guest given the ongoing page. Envision perusing an article about another pop melody. Tags could interface you to a page with all articles expounded on that craftsman, taking special care of your ongoing interest. While progressive route structures are perfect for wide association, tags address the requirement for dynamic, setting explicit associations inside your site.

The Downside of Over-Tagging

In any case, as sites develop and drift shift, a benevolent tagging procedure can misfire. Well-known labelling can blur from the spotlight obsolete tags highlighting irrelevant content. This invalidates the point of internal linking, which intends to direct users to the most valuable content.

Joost de Valk, the maker of the famous Yoast SEO Plugin, led a review (albeit small-scale) and found an upsetting pattern. A stunning 66% of WordPress sites abused tags. They were by the same token:

  • Over-tagged: Articles were besieged with unreasonable tags, frequently connecting to just a small bunch of articles, or more terrible, only one.
  • Theme Incompatibility: Topic updates could eliminate label usefulness, delivering label pages unavailable to users while as yet being ordered via web search tools through sitemaps.
  • Thin Content: Tag pages were disregarded, essentially showing rehashed article scraps found somewhere else, offering no exceptional worth.

A blog entry summing up Joost’s discoveries expressed, “Tag is not used correctly in WordPress… This has critical ramifications for a site’s possibilities in search engines.” While the example size requires an alert in summing up, the potential issues brought about by obsolete and exorbitant tags are evident.

Joost’s Solution: The Fewer Tags Plugin

Joost perceived the requirement for an answer and fostered fewer tag plugins for WordPress. This plugin handles the issue of muddled inner connecting by consequently eliminating tags that are associated with too many pages.

The fewer tag plugin comes in free and Pro versions. The free version smoothes out tagging management by naturally removing tag pages with under ten connected posts (this threshold can be adjusted to five posts or fewer).

The Genius form engages site proprietors with much more control. It considers:

  • Merging and removing unnecessary tag pages
  • Automatic generation of redirects for removed tags pages (using your preferred SEO plugin)
  • Access to an online course by Joost de Valk directing you through the interaction
  • Steady goal of your site’s tags issues
  • Uninstalling the plugin once the cleanup is finished

By executing the fewer tag plugin, you can address the quiet SEO killer of over-tagging sites and ensure your internal linking structure remains enhanced, at last further developing your search engine ranking and user experience.

Where To Download Fewer Tags Plugin

Download the free version of the plugin here:

Fewer Tags Free By Joost de Valk

Read more about the Pro version here.

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