Home Freelancing 360 Pakistan: New Laws for Social Media and Digital Rights

Pakistan: New Laws for Social Media and Digital Rights

by Muzaffar Ali
2 minutes read

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has given the green light to establish a brand new government body – the Digital Rights Protection Agency (DRPA) – through amendments to the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) of 2016.

This move comes after a proposition from the Cabinet’s Legal Reforms Committee which called for revising the current PECA legislation and making the DRPA. The Committee reportedly sought feedback on the proposed bill from different partners, including the Pakistan Telecom Authority (PTA) and the Ministry of Information Technology (MoIT).

As indicated by sources, the MoIT will be answerable for directing the arrangement of the DRPA. This office is imagined to act as a vital consultant to the public authority on issues about digital rights. Its core capabilities will rotate around maintaining the web guidelines, guaranteeing mindful web use, and working with a coordinated effort between social media platforms for a healthier digital ecosystem.

However, the DRPA’s job stretches out past simple warning capabilities. Employing critical power in managing web content is normal. The organization will explore likely legitimate infringement via social media platforms. People or elements viewed as in breach of the changed PECA Act will confront repercussions authorized by the DRPA. This incorporates the power to gather observers and those associated with advanced rights and encroachments. The DRPA may likewise draft guidelines to fortify the enforcement of digital rights legislation.

The proposed PECA Bill 2024, which lays out the DRPA, will currently be introduced to the government bureau for endorsement. Following their underwriting, the bill will be presented to the Pakistani Parliament for additional discussion and entry. When the two places of Parliament support the bill and get official consent, the DRPA will be officially comprised under the MoIT.

This improvement denotes a huge step towards directing Pakistan’s digital landscape. While the DRPA’s emphasis on safeguarding digital rights is excellent, the degree of its command over online content has raised worries among some regarding expected constraints on the opportunity of articulation. The impending parliamentary conversations will be urgent in moulding the last design and powers of the DRPA, guaranteeing it cultivates a capable and secure digital environment for Pakistani citizens.

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