Home Scholarships Apply Now for HEC Scholarships for Studies in Romania!

Apply Now for HEC Scholarships for Studies in Romania!

by Muzaffar Ali
5 minutes read
HEC Scholarships for Studies in Romania!

Calling all hopeful Pakistani students with fantasies about chasing after advanced education abroad! The Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan, in a joint effort with the Romanian Government, has declared a thrilling grant a valuable open door for Master’s and PhD studies in Romania. This educational blog post dives into all that you want to realize about this grant program, directing you through the application cycle and lighting your excursion toward scholastic greatness in Romania.

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Romania: A Land of Rich Culture and Academic Excellence

Settled in Southeastern Europe, Romania flaunts a dynamic culture, stunning scenes, and a well-established custom of scholarly greatness. From the enamouring Carpathian Mountains to the middle-age appeal of Transylvania, Romania offers a novel mix of history and innovation.

Focus on Engineering and Information Technology

This grant program explicitly takes care of understudies looking for Master’s and PhD degrees in the fields of design and Data Innovation. Romania is a centre for development in these areas, and its colleges are outfitted with best-in-class offices and prestigious personnel. Whether your enthusiasm lies in Electrical design, Software engineering, or some other design or IT specialization, Romania gives an outstanding stage to improve your abilities and become a future forerunner in these powerful fields.

University of Politehnica Bucharest: Your Gateway to Success

The grant is presented by the renowned College of Politehnica Bucharest, a main establishment in Romania for design and Data Innovation training. Laid out in 1818, the college flaunts a rich scholastic legacy and a worldwide standing for greatness. Selecting the College of Politehnica Bucharest through this grant program opens ways to an elite workforce, state-of-the-art research offices, and an invigorating learning climate.

Scholarship Benefits: A Supportive Learning Experience

The HEC scholarship for studies in Romania offers an exhaustive bundle intended to help your scholastic undertakings. Here is a breakdown of the key advantages:

  • Educational expense Inclusion: The scholarship covers the full educational expense for your chosen Master’s or PhD program at the University of Politehnica Bucharest. https://apply.upb.ro/
  • Month-to-month Payment: You will get a month-to-month allowance to cover your everyday costs in Romania.
  • Accommodation Assistance: The scholarship may include aid in locating suitable lodgings near the institution (information will be verified on the HEC website).
  • Health Insurance: The program may provide basic health insurance coverage while you study in Romania (details will be confirmed on the HEC website).

Eligibility Criteria: Are You a Perfect Match?

To be qualified for this grant program, you should meet the accompanying measures:

  • Nationality: You should be a Pakistani resident or an AJK public.
  • Degree Necessities:
  • For Master’s programs: You should have a 16-year four-year certification with a decent scholastic record at the hour of use.
  • For PhD programs: You should have an MS/MPhil degree (17 or 18 years of training) at the hour of utilization.
  • Age Limit: You should be under 35 years of age for Master’s projects and under 40 years of age for PhD programs at the application cutoff time.
  • HAT Test Score: A valid Higher Education Commission Admission Test (HAT) score is mandatory for all applicants.
  • Academic Merit: Preference will be given to students with strong academic records.

Required Documents and Application Process

The application cycle for the HEC scholarship studies in Romania is altogether on the web. Here is a bit-by-bit manual to guarantee a smooth application experience:

  • Visit the HEC Grant Gateway: Access the HEC scholarship entry at https://scholarship.hec.gov.pk/.
  • Create an Account: Register yourself on the gateway by making another record.
  • Complete Your Profile: Finish up your profile subtleties precisely, including your instructive foundation, scholastic accomplishments, and contact data.
  • Select the Scholarship Program: Search for the particular scholarship program named “The University of Politehnica Scholarship“.
  • Upload Required Documents: Cautiously surveyed the rundown of required archives on the HEC site and transferred examined duplicates of every single essential record. These could normally incorporate scholarly records, declarations, a legitimate Cap test score, an inspirational letter, and proposal letters (if material).
  • Submit Your Application: Whenever you have finished your profile, chose the scholarship program, and transferred all records, present your application electronically with time to spare.

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Important Dates and Deadlines

The application cutoff time for the HEC scholarships for studies in Romania for the scholarly year 2024-2025 is May 3rd, 2024. Guarantee you present your application a long time on schedule to try not to pass up this inconceivable open door.

We wish you the very best in your application journey!

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