Home Motivation 6 Websites to Get Initial Sales and Customers for Your Startup

6 Websites to Get Initial Sales and Customers for Your Startup

by Muzaffar Ali
4 minutes read
Initial Sales and Customers for Your Startup


Getting your most memorable clients is one of the greatest difficulties for any startup. In any case, various sites can assist you with beginning. we will discuss six of the best sites for getting initial sales and customers for your startup.

1. Reddit

Reddit is a social news site where clients can submit joins, text posts, and pictures. It is an incredible spot to track down possible clients for your startup. There are various subreddits (or networks) devoted to explicit subjects, so you can find the ones that are generally pertinent to your business.

To begin, make a profile and begin submitting posts and remarks. Make certain to remember connections to your site or item for your posts. You can likewise partake in conversations and answer inquiries from different clients.

2. Quora

Quora is a Q & A site where clients can get clarification on some things and find solutions from different clients. It is an incredible spot to find potential clients who are searching for answers to issues that your item or administration can settle.

To begin, make a profile and begin responding to questions. Make certain to remember connections to your site or item for your responses. You can likewise submit questions that are pertinent to your business.

3. Item Chase

Item Chase is a site where clients can find and examine new items. It is an incredible spot to get early openness for your startup.

To begin, make a profile and present your item to Item Chase. Make certain to compose a convincing depiction and incorporate screen captures or recordings of your item.

4. GrowthHackers

GrowthHackers is a site for development advertisers. It is an incredible spot to find out about development hacking methodologies and strategies.

To get everything rolling, make a profile and begin taking part in conversations. You can likewise submit articles or blog entries about your development hacking encounters.

5. HackerNews

HackerNews is a social news site for innovation lovers. It is an extraordinary spot to get openness for your startup if you are focusing on an educated crowd.

To begin, make a profile and begin submitting connections to your site or item. You can likewise take part in conversations and answer inquiries from different clients.

6. Facebook Groups

Facebook bunches are an extraordinary method for associating with potential clients who are keen on your industry or speciality. There are various Facebook bunches devoted to explicit points, so you can find the ones generally applicable to your business.

To get everything rolling, look for Facebook bunches that apply to your business. Whenever you have found a couple of gatherings, join them and engage in conversations. Make certain to remember connections to your site or item for your posts.


These are only a couple of the numerous sites that can assist you with getting beginning deals and clients for your startup. By utilizing these sites, you can expand your odds of coming out on top.

Extra Tips

As well as utilizing the sites referenced above, the following are a couple of extra ways to get beginning deals and clients for your startup:

  • Make areas of strength for a presence. This incorporates having a very much-planned site, dynamic online entertainment profiles, and a blog.
  • Run designated publicizing efforts. This can be an extraordinary method for arriving at potential clients who are now keen on what you bring to the table.
  • Go to industry occasions and gatherings. This is an extraordinary method for systems administration with possible clients and accomplices.
  • Offer free preliminaries or demos. This is an incredible method for allowing possible clients to attempt your item or administration before they get it.
  • Give amazing client assistance. This is fundamental for building trust and faithfulness with your clients.
    By following these tips, you can expand your possibilities by getting beginning deals and clients for your startup.

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