Home Freelancing 360 Here are 15 companies hiring for remote jobs that will pay $100,000 or more in 2024

Here are 15 companies hiring for remote jobs that will pay $100,000 or more in 2024

by Muzaffar Ali
8 minutes read
remote jobs

The fantasy of a lucrative occupation with the adaptability of remote work is presently not a dream. In the present digital; age, a developing number of companies are embracing remote work models, opening entryways for capable experts to discard the drive and work from any place on the planet.

This is particularly uplifting news for those looking for a six-figure salary. Assuming you’re an accomplished proficient with popular abilities, here’s a glance at 15 remote positions that can offer worthwhile pay close by the opportunity of remote work:

Also Read: Best 10 Remote Freelance Jobs For Freedom And Flexibility In 2024

1. Software Engineer

Average Salary: $102,000 – $150,000+

Software engineers are the foundation of the advanced world, planning, creating, and testing programming applications. With the steadily expanding dependence on innovation, talented computer programmers are exceptionally pursued, and remote work choices are becoming progressively normal. To find lasting success in this job, you’ll require major areas of strength in software engineering standards, programming dialects like Java or Python, and energy for problem-solving.

2. Data Scientist

Average Salary: $115,000 – $170,000+

Data science is a quickly developing field that spotlights separating important experiences from immense measures of information. Information researchers are answerable for gathering, breaking down, and deciphering information to take care of intricate business issues and illuminate vital navigation. If you have a skill for numbers, areas of strength for a psyche, and involvement in programming dialects like R or Python, a distant information researcher position could be an extraordinary fit.

3. User Experience (UX) Designer

Average Salary: $90,000 – $130,000+

UX architects are answerable for making natural and easy-to-use interfaces for sites, applications, and programming. They centre around client research, data engineering, communication plans, and making a consistent client experience. With the ascent of remote work, companies are progressively searching for UX creators who can make client-focused encounters in a good way. A solid comprehension of plan standards, client brain science, and prototyping devices is significant for this job.

4. Content Marketing Manager

Average Salary: $85,000 – $120,000+

In the present substance-driven world, content showcasing directors assume an imperative part in making and circulating drawing in satisfied that draws in and holding clients. They direct satisfied systems, oversee content creation, and track content execution. On the off chance that you have brilliant composition and altering abilities, a solid comprehension of Website design enhancement (Site improvement), and involvement in happy administration frameworks, a remote substance-promoting chief job could be an ideal fit.

5. Cybersecurity Analyst

Average Salary: $95,000 – $140,000+

With the consistently developing danger of cyberattacks, online protection examiners are sought after. They are liable for recognizing weaknesses in PC frameworks, executing safety efforts, and answering digital occurrences. As companies shift to a far-off labour force, the requirement for network safety experts who can safeguard delicate information in good ways turns out to be considerably more basic. A solid comprehension of online protection standards, organizing ideas, and involvement in security devices are fundamental for this job.

6. Machine Learning Engineer

Average Salary: $120,000 – $180,000+

AI engineers are the draftsmen representing things to come. They configure, create, and execute AI calculations that can gain from information and make expectations. This field is at the cutting edge of mechanical development, and gifted AI engineers are exceptionally pursued by companies across different enterprises. A solid groundwork in software engineering, and math, and involvement in AI libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch are essential.

7. Sales Director (Remotely Manageable Team)

Average Salary: $100,000 – $150,000+ (base salary + commission)

Deals chiefs lead and oversee outreach groups, setting quantities, creating deal methodologies, and rousing their groups to accomplish deal objectives. While certain deals chief jobs require travel and in-person gatherings, a rising number of companies are embracing remote work models for outreach groups. On the off chance that you have solid administration abilities, a demonstrated history in deals, and the capacity to spur and mentor others from a distance, a far-off deals chief position could be a worthwhile choice.

8. Financial Analyst

Average Salary: $80,000 – $120,000+

Monetary investigators research, dissect, and decipher monetary information to evaluate monetary dangers and open doors. They get ready monetary reports, figures, and proposals for companies and financial backers. With the ascent of cloud-based monetary programming and information examination instruments, numerous monetary examiner jobs can be performed from a distance. A solid comprehension of bookkeeping standards, monetary displaying, and knowledge of monetary investigation instruments are fundamental for this job.

9. Marketing Automation Specialist

Average Salary: $75,000 – $110,000+

Advertising robotization experts use programming and instruments to computerize dull showcasing errands, for example, email promoting, virtual entertainment booking, and lead sustaining. As companies make progress toward productivity, the interest in showcasing robotization experts is developing, and large numbers of these jobs can be performed from a distance. A solid comprehension of showcasing standards, experience with promoting computerization stages like HubSpot or Marketo, and fantastic hierarchical abilities are key to progress.

10. DevOps Engineer

Average Salary: $100,000 – $140,000+

DevOps engineers overcome any barrier among advancement and activities groups, guaranteeing the smooth turn of events, sending, and upkeep of programming applications. They use computerization instruments and cycles to smooth out the product improvement lifecycle. With the ascent of distributed computing and far-off advancement groups, DevOps engineers are sought after for working with smooth cooperation. A solid comprehension of programming improvement standards, experience with DevOps instruments like Git and Jenkins, and knowledge of cloud stages are fundamental.

11. Human Resources Manager (Remote Team)

Average Salary: $90,000 – $130,000+

HR chiefs administer all parts of an association’s HR capability, including enrollment, onboarding, representative relations, and advantages organization. While some HR jobs expect face-to-face collaboration, many companies are effectively overseeing remote groups and are searching for HR experts who can adjust to this work model. A solid comprehension of HR standards, experience with HR programming instruments, and incredible correspondence and relational abilities are significant for progress.

12. Product Manager

Average Salary: $105,000 – $150,000+

Item supervisors are the visionaries behind fruitful digital products. They manage the whole item lifecycle, from ideation and advancement to send-off and promotion. They work intimately with cross-practical groups, including architects, designers, and advertisers, to guarantee the item addresses client issues and business targets. Item director jobs are turning out to be progressively remote-accommodating with the ascent of distant cooperation apparatuses. A solid comprehension of item improvement systems, magnificent correspondence, and cooperation abilities, and energy for building incredible items are fundamental for this job.

13. Business Systems Analyst

Average Salary: $80,000 – $120,000+

Business framework experts investigate business processes and distinguish potential open doors for development through innovation arrangements. They work intimately with partners to comprehend business needs, plan and carry out new frameworks, and guarantee they meet wanted functionalities. The ascent of cloud-based business applications makes numerous business frameworks examiner jobs appropriate for remote work. Solid insightful abilities, critical thinking skills, and involvement in business process examination apparatuses are key prerequisites.

14. Medical Coder

Average Salary: $70,000 – $100,000+

Clinical coders decipher clinical determinations and systems into general alphanumeric codes utilized to charge. With the rising reception of electronic well-being records (EHR) and the ascent of telemedicine, numerous clinical coder positions can be performed from a distance. A solid comprehension of clinical wording, incredible meticulousness, and involvement in clinical coding programming is fundamental for this job.

15. Licensed Therapist (Teletherapy)

Average Salary: $75,000 – $110,000+

Authorized advisors analyze and treat psychological wellness conditions. The ascent of teletherapy permits advisors to give psychological wellness benefits remotely utilizing video conferencing stages. This opens up new doors for specialists to work from any place and for patients to get to emotional well-being administrations helpfully. A graduate degree in an emotional wellness field, pertinent licensure, and experience with teletherapy stages are vital for this job.

Finding Your Perfect Remote High-Paying Job

This rundown gives a beginning stage to your investigation of lucrative remote professions. Keep in mind, that exploring explicit sets of expectations and company societies is vital to tracking down the ideal fit for your abilities and interests. While going after remote jobs, feature your pertinent experience, grandstand your capacity to work freely and deal with your time really, and accentuate your capability in coordinated effort devices.

By utilizing your abilities and experience, and displaying your capacity to flourish in a remote workplace, you can find a lucrative remote work that offers both monetary security and the adaptability to work from any place on the planet.

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